mQuit - Smoking Cessation
Smoking causes 84% of deaths from lung cancer and 83% of deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). People with COPD has difficulties breathing, primarily due to the narrowing of airways and destruction of lung tissue.
Smoking can cause male impotence; it damages the blood vessels that supply blood to the penis, sperm quality, reduces sperm count and cause testicular cancer. In women, smoking can increase risk of cervical cancer, reduce fertility and may cause harm to the foetus
Carbon monoxide from the smoke and nicotine both put a strain on the heart by making it works faster. They also increase your risk of blood clots. Smoking doubles your risk of having heart attack.
Why mQuit?
This workshop is established with the aim to assist health-concern employers/management to increase the productivity of their employees. Smoking addiction is serious thus, let us move together to build a better community.